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Duck Boat Accessories

Hunting from duck boats is a great way to spend some quality time out on your favorite body of water, whether that’s on the lake, the river or even in a local marsh or swamp.

But you’ll need to have the proper accessories if you want to come home with a few ducks at the end of the day. That’s not to say you need every bell and whistle on sale at your favorite supply store, but duck hunting is just like any other activity – if you’re going to do it, you might as well do it right!

Having the right gear, including the right duck boat and boat trailer, can make all the difference when duck hunting. So do your research, price your favorite items and decide which gear and accessories will better your chances of a successful hunt.

There’s a lot of gear to choose from, and your choices will invariably come down to your preferences and price range. But we’ll go over a few of the more popular options.

Best Duck Boat Accessories 2025

Netting Hunting

Auscamotek Camo Netting Hunting Blinds


Avery Trac Loc Push Pole


Banded Holdings Avery Trac-Loc Push Pole


Hunting Floating Mallard Decoys



AvianX Top Flight Duck Open Water Mallard Decoy

Duck Boat Safety Items

Before we get into the fun and exciting stuff, we first must stress the importance of having the proper safety equipment on board your duck boat. You never know when they’ll be needed, but you’ll definitely want them on hand when and if the need arises.

The price you could pay for not having them is far too great.

Safety items you’ll want readily available when out on a hunt or boat ride include U.S. Coast Guard approved life jackets for each person on board, a life-saving floatation device, preferably with LED lights, a first-aid kit, a whistle or air horn, some flares and a good fire extinguisher.

Just head online or to your favorite boat supply store today and price some of these important items.

Netting Hunting



Auscamotek Camo Netting Hunting Blinds-Green/Brown

Seasoned hunters will tell you that this is a necessity for successful duck hunting, and well worth the price. The better camouflaged you are, the better chance you’ll have of duck hunting success.

Avery Trac Loc Push Pole



Banded Holdings Avery Trac-Loc Push Pole

You don’t want to scare even one duck away by starting up your engine, so invest in a couple of push poles to help you navigate through the water.


Hunting Floating Mallard Decoys



AvianX Top Flight Duck Open Water Mallard Decoy

These will help attract the ducks to an area closer to your position and increase the chances of success.

Paws Aboard Doggy



Pawz Pet Products Doggy Boat Ladder and Ramp

If you’re taking your dog with you for retrieval purposes, these ladders can make man’s best friend’s job easier and more efficient, and they don’t come at a necessarily high price.


Paracord 550



All Purpose Flagline Rope

This will be needed if you want to secure the boat to a tree or bush in the water while hunting. As a companion piece, it’s also a good idea to have some zip ties on hand for securing items.

Other Favorite Duck Boat Supplies

Flashlight or Spotlight

If you plan on being out after dark, having a spotlight on board is a necessity. And even if you plan on only daytime hunting, you should still have a flashlight or spotlight for emergency use.


Worldwide Handheld GPS

Handheld GPS

These can come in extremely handy when navigating the waters on any hunting trip. They not only assist in getting you where you want to go, but can also help in finding your way home after dark.


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